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10 Common Fruits that Can Heal You

By Ready Expert
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Fruits are a great way to maintain health and new research has shown that some fruits can do even more than we thought!

Check out this new infographic about the healing qualities of common fruits and how you and your family can benefit from them. The great thing about freeze-dried fruits is that you can leave them on the shelf for decades. Instead of wasting money going to the grocery store each week and throwing out the fruit you don't use, invest in freeze-dried fruits that prepare by just adding water.

Also, feel free to comment below telling us what freeze-dried fruits you'd like us to carry to help you better prepare.

10 Common Fruits that Can Heal You
12 years ago
12 years ago at 7:35 AM
kiwi everyday for a few days when injured will cut down or stop bruising after an that tip from an MD. Also Cranberries would be good,kidney and bladder infections and they make great muffins lol.Mangos for stomach problems [indigestion].
12 years ago at 7:00 AM
Plums. Love plums, but don't like prunes - so freeze-dried ripe plums would be nice. Red and black, please.
11 years ago at 7:50 AM
Very good info on the fruits, however because your fruits are not certified organic, I would not want to use them. Strawberries are one of the "dirty dozen" and most pineapples grown are GMO.
11 years ago at 3:33 PM
Yes Papaya, also Mango
10 years ago at 6:26 AM
Have found all of the fruits mentioned .however the some of them are sulfured.
10 years ago at 7:58 AM
Mary, where did you find freeze-dried plums? (Please don't tell me New Zealand, because those are just not affordable.) Nothing freeze-dried should be sulfured--are you maybe talking about finding everything dried? Unfortunately, dehydrated and freeze-dried fruits are totally different things when it comes to both taste and nutrition.
10 years ago at 8:44 AM
Please bring us organic fruits and vegetables. Also, keep it simple with no additives.
10 years ago at 8:51 AM
I would buy any additional fruits you offer. What happened to the Triple Berry Blend? That was good stuff!
10 years ago at 10:59 AM
Tammy, Freeze-dried guacamole has already been invented. Its just a matter of someone ordering it from the only people who have managed to crack freeze-drying avocados and then putting it in nitrogen-flushed cans. Since avocados are high fat, I would be dubious about it lasting well more than a couple of years even nitrogen flushed, but it would sure have a lot better shelf life than fresh avocados, and guacamole is definitely one thing I'd have no problem rotating frequently in my food storage. :) The people with the magic process are in Mexico, just google Siosi freeze dried avocado powder. Their online retail store still shows "under construction," but they do have freeze-dried avocado powder and guacamole as well as freeze-dried coconut meat and coconut water.
10 years ago at 11:12 AM
I don't care much for information preambled with "Studies have shown" or "It has been observed" or anything that says "someone, somewhere" found something to be some way. That's less science and more hearsay. It would be helpful to add cited references to future not-adverts like these.
10 years ago at 9:22 AM
You could freeze dry some of your own organic produce. We've done it may times for wilderness camping trips and then vacuum sealed it. Worked very well. There's always canning!
9 years ago at 5:18 AM
Susan, I am very curious! How can we freeze dry our own stuff? I have access to a ton of free organic produce, and I have dehydrated a ton of stuff, but the freeze drying machines I researched a few years back were so cost prohibitive that this comment intrigues me greatly. Can you share with how we can do this? I would love to do it. Thank you!