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Are You Less Prepared Than Your Neighbors?

By Ready Expert
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According to new research, the number of natural disasters per year has increased significantly over the last thirty years.  While the scientific community debates what the causes may be, disasters and destruction seem more and more prevalent in today’s world than 30 years ago and it is becoming increasingly important to prepare for emergency. The following table taken from the Natural Disasters Data Book shows the increase in number of natural disasters per year from 1975-2010. (A disaster was entered into the database if at least 10 people perished, over 100 people were affected, was declared a state of emergency or there was a call for international assistance.)  

Natural Disasters Trend 1900-2020

How Do You Compare?

One year ago, National Geographic initiated a survey conducted by Kelton Research that found some interesting results on the preparedness of Americans.  The following are some of the findings:

How long will your supplies last?

If a disaster occurred, nearly 40% of people said they would only last two weeks based on their current supplies.  I’ll let you decide if two weeks is a long enough supply...

If you only had to take care of yourself during a catastrophe, about how long do you think you would survive based on the supplies you currently have in your home?

How prepared for emergency do YOU feel?

When asked how prepared they felt compared to their neighbor, 53% said they were “about as prepared” as their neighbors.  Ironically, 85% felt that “in the event of a catastrophe,” Americans as a whole will be under-prepared.

In the event of a catastrophe, do you think that most Americans will be...?

How much time would you need?

When asked how much time they needed to vacate town if there were a catastrophe, more than half, 52%, said they would need at least 30 minutes or more.  Again, I will let you be the judge on whether or not that is fast enough -- after all, it does depend on what the catastrophe is.  Just keep in mind, you will be much better off if you can grab a bug-out-bag and stay ahead of that rush of people trying to get out of town.

Would you help a neighbor? If you are one of the unprepared reading this you might be in luck, 24% of Americans said they would help a neighbor in a disaster by sharing resources or supplies.  Of course, they may be one of your neighbors that only have a two week supply so I wouldn’t bank on bumming off your neighbor as your emergency plan. How prepared are you? According to Michael R. Greenberg, Ph. D., Susannah Dyen, MCRP, and Stacey Elliott, BS, in the article The Public’s Preparedness: Self-Reliance, Flashbulb Memories, and Conservative Values, 56.8% of respondents say they have a family communication plan so that they can contact family members or loved ones if they get separated during an emergency. Only 40.8% of Americans say they have developed a plan for an extended stay at home in case of a disaster which also corresponds to USA Today’s survey that 56% of Americans “say they aren’t prepared.”

Let's All Get Prepared

There is a peace and assurance that comes from knowing that you and your family is prepared for emergency.  If you haven’t already, we encourage you (no matter the companies used to become prepared for emergency)  and your household to start preparing now.  It doesn’t take much, just start doing a little every month or week to start building your food storage, emergency kits, and emergency plans.  We strongly recommend that you sit down as families to discuss  and practice your emergency plans so that, if the time comes, every family member knows what to do.  

11 years ago
11 years ago at 5:01 AM
I started small and grew from there. After my beginings, I wrote a regional Hurricane Preparedness Plan that I add to each year and distribute to a few thousand people.
11 years ago at 5:35 AM
I lived through Hurricane Ike in 2008. I did evacuate, only to come home shortly after to find my home damaged, and widespread power outages. My community was without power for 2 weeks, trees down, and looting was common in other areas. My home received damage sustained to the roof from trees falling. I received no help from my neighbors, whom had no damage. All I got was, (Wow, glad it wasn't us) no kidding. Don't expect help from neighbors, no matter how close you think you are. Also, I did have about a weeks worth of food. We were standing in line for hours just to get ice, the store shelves were bare, this was just days after the storm. Also, many people were frustrated because they could pay with a credit card (Have cash folks ). We received zero help from FEMA, they picked and chose where to set up, they were not in every community. I received more and kinder help from the local church. Now, we have enough food stored for at least 30 days. We also have items such as tarps, (enough for entire roof) 2X4s and a generator. No matter how friendly your neighbors are, or how settled the community is, you are on your own, trust me.
11 years ago at 7:47 AM
Yeah, went through Ike m'self. Evacuated too. 2 weeks and a bit with no power, lost all the stuff in the fridge and freezer. FEMA? What FEMA? Never saw 'em. I now have 2 months supply of food and nearly that in water. The neighbors in my neighborhood at that time were helpful to each other - unlike what I saw in lots of other places, but it's still pretty much on your own folks. Just need to get the bug out bag put together so I don't need an hour to get out of town.
Doug M.
11 years ago at 7:49 AM
@Marine1967: Don't try to convince her in an overly aggressive manner. My wife is the same, she'd rather watch "reality TV" garbage shows than open her eyes and see some of the issues that are developing. She patiently listens to me when I talk, but I'm pretty sure it goes in one ear and out the other. Do your prepping in a manner that doesn't involve her heavily. I've got enough supplies to keep us safe and fed, and did none of it with her help or interaction. When/ if something happens, then she'll be happy you did.
10 years ago at 8:04 AM
Doug, same for me, great advice, also. I did for my mom, she lives 36 miles away, age 92, refuses to see the forest for the trees. I began to store food on the floor in her back Water in her lower cabinets and when I finally told her she was prepared, she looked at me like I had grown four noses! I told her, just leave it in place for (sister) and her family if you never come to use it. I am prepared to rest or run. Thank goodness there was some heads up over the years. My advice: if you haven't yet, just start today.
11 years ago at 8:46 AM
Also lived in Houston during Ike. Without power for 2+ weeks in heat. Being on a well, we had no water, no way to shower. Had a generator for fridge, but all gas stations were without power too. We did have food & drinking water & shared with neighbors. No home damage but next door had to cut up a large tree for elderly neighbors. Evacuating Houston not really an option, tried it before & after 24 hours, still not out of town. FEMA was nowhere to be seen during Ike, we had NO help except from the local LDS missionary young men who came through the neighborhoods to help any way they could. We now have gas stove & plenty of food & water.
11 years ago at 9:38 AM
I don't think this is very indicative. I don't feel I am near prepared as I need to be, and I have over a year supply of food and water and medical supplies. Someone who has a month supply for their family may think they are prepared. Or someone with a 2-week supply may also think they are prepared. So this study doesn't really measure how prepared we really are, without a specific standard to gauge by. (like in all research studies, there needs to be a control). Do I think I am more prepared than my neighbors? I don't know. I have no clue. How do we judge? I live in Utah, so Mormon country. We all are taught to have a year supply of food for our family. Not everyone listens. Some have more. But I don't go around asking my neighbors about that, and if someone happens to see some of my preps, you can make sure that they also see my guns and large stock of ammo!! :)
11 years ago at 10:45 PM
Some spiritual food for thought, are you as prepared to meet Christ as you are in storage of earthly goods? There is a reason for all of the "natural disasters" that are happening. Watch and pray- Christ's words not mine! Matt.24
10 years ago at 8:09 AM
Thanks, Lori, for that. First and foremost, prepare your heart and soul for Heaven. God will provide the way.
11 years ago at 5:40 AM
two weeks after the grocery stores are looted we will see who is prepared and how little life will mean to a hungry person.
11 years ago at 10:04 AM
Two years ago we were in a wildfire. We had to get out NOW. We were not prepared. We left with the shirts on our backs. We did have living quarters in our horse trailer. People did come and help us with our horses, chickens, and dogs. Our cats hid. We evacuated to a friends place who was so gracious to feed us and all of our animals. After a few days we all had to evacuate again (including our friend and his animals). Everyone was running for their lives. Do not count on the government. We are responsible for ourselves. The Feds are what made our wildfire take off. Their fire management was pure incompetence. Our local guys had the fire under control and then the Feds pulled them off and it turned into a 2 week disaster from hell. Our community help was awesome. We had people loaning panels and fencing for all of the livestock evacuations. We had people from nearby cities donating truckloads of feed for our animals. It was awesome. It was amazing. RV parks rented for free to evacuees. But, the fire was burning in our rural area. If it had infiltrated the small city, that would have been a different story. The city people were able to help us. We didn't need the government. Once we were secure we helped others in need. Oh, we even had the department of agriculture wanting to confiscate our 'abandoned' horses. They were going to take over the care of our animals and take them to sale. Thankfully, we had someone who knew the laws and told them to kiss off. In the end, there was heavy loss of homes, businesses, pets, wildlife, etc. Thankfully, no human loss which is the most important. And God blessed us by sparing our home and a few neighbors. It was like His hand was placed over us as everything else burned. Gosh, it has been two years and it all still makes me a little emotional. By the way, the fire was deliberately started by the Mexican drug cartel.
Jack Hommel
11 years ago at 12:15 PM
Prepping is as much a state of mind as it is the physical aspect. There a few practical rules to carry you through. DO NOT share info re: your level of preparedness with ANYONE. DO NOT offer to take in any refugees unless your prepared to give your life for them (i.e. loved ones). You can never be too well prepared.Do some really serious soul searching as to just how far you will go to defend your family and your self and your belongings.Don't forget to store water. A thousand gallons is just a good start.Secure a good camp stove and lots of propane bottles. Get a generator if you can afford one.
Roger Rabbit
11 years ago at 8:53 PM
I was in Gulfport. Such a sad story of how unprepared FEMA is and was then. I was trained in Command Incident Response as a G-employee and know first hand that YOU ARE IN FACT on your own if something goes down. Weeks at best and maybe months if its really bad on a national level. Have Lots of Dehydrated foods, meats, fruits, vegs and spices. Have a good source of water or buy a couple of Berkeley Water Purifiers to use for any type of water. Have 2-way radios. If it is a national event the Cell phones will be a memory Have lots of Duracell batteries, D,AA,AAA 9Volt Have several good solar lanterns Have packages of Isoiodine for the effects of nuclear fallout and radiation. Have a great day..
11 years ago at 10:07 PM
Marine1967 My husband is informed and very handy with making things work. Engines, motors and such but I am the prepper. I ask for survival supplies for every holiday. I got new shotgun for Christmas. He agrees we should be ready but I think prep most of the time. I gave my son, daughter in law and grandkids NBC gas masks for Christmas and survival items in stockings. You would have thought it was a new car. Proud of those kids.
10 years ago at 7:29 AM
I continually comes across those who are "prepping", sometimes not sure for what event, but prepping none the less. This is a good thing. But one thing keeps sticking in my mind, and that is Unity in the Prepping Community. There is very little of it, and that could cause many who are "prepped" to find themselves in a more difficult situation of defending their preps, their property and their lives. By forming community in the neighborhood, with those who are prepping, you assure yourself of being more capable to control situations which could get vastly out of control if faced alone. To find out who is prepping, just ask innoculious type questions, ones that usually start off with : What do you think about.....? The conversation can proceed from there without having to share too much info about the quanity and quality of your preps untill you have a trusting realtionship. Unity will always be the key to sucessfully riding out a difficult situation, and it ensures greater safety for all.
10 years ago at 3:39 PM
Prepping is a multifaceted concept. I've been prepping for decades by investing in knowledge. I've studied herbs (with a heavy eye on local plants), wild foods, etc. I have no faith that my overt gardens won't be stripped by other people (be it neighbors, roving bands, or the govt.) but that goes for stored food items as well. Knowledge can be taken anywhere. Although I live in the woods, that doesn't mean my prepped homestead will remain a safe place to stay in a long term catastophe. I keep bug out bags ready too as well as buried stashes, stored food, medicine, etc. but I have more than that. I'm not a walking encyclopedia but I would survive longer than most if I was left with nothing but my bug out bag. I have wild crafted edibles and medicinals all over my property. If people don't know what those weeds are for, they'll have no interest in them. In the mean time, I'll still be eating. During the Great Depression, elk and deer were hunted to extinction in the state of Arkansas. There are a hellova lot more people on the planet now than there were during that time. People of that generation were considerably more respectful than the generations of today too. You'll have meat to hunt for a while, but what happens when they're extinct? Same for fish. After your stores are no longer available and there's no meat to hunt or fish to catch.... then what? That's what I'm calling prepared.... being ready for all that you can to live in "relative" comfort but being ready for the "then what" too. How ready are you for the "then what"?