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WD-40 Survival Uses Guide

By Ready Expert
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You may not have ever thought that WD-40 could be used for more than loosening up rusty parts or greasing up your bike chain. In fact WD-40 can be used for many purposes that might just lead to your survival. Here are 13 WD 40 uses that you can re-purpose help you in any situation! Feel free to add your own ideas and experiences at the end of this article. Help spread the word to others by sharing this on your Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Google+ pages.

Prevent Snow Build-Up on Windows
Does the weather forecast predict a big winter snowstorm? You can’t stop the snow from falling, but you can prevent it from building up on your house’s windows. Just spray WD-40 over the outside of your windows before the snow starts and the snow won’t stick.

Attract and Catch Fish
Many salmon fisherman in the Pacific Northwest will spray their lures with WD-40 to mask the human scent. It also supposedly attracts the fish. However, be sure that use of the chemical is legal in your state before you fish with it.

wd 40 usesProtect Against Critters
If you have squirrels taking over a birdfeeder, for example, simply spray a generous amount of WD-40 onto the feeder and the squirrels will slide right off. They won't be able to grasp as well.

Exterminate Roaches and Insects
You can spray your windowsills, frames, screens and doors with WD-40 to repel bugs and insects from trying to get into your home. It also acts as a good bug spray that will kill them on the spot.

Spray a Shovel
Spray the blade of your shovel with WD-40 along with your spading fork, hoe or any other garden tool. The soil will slide right off. This is especially helpful if you are working with clay. This also works with snow shovels.

Get Rid of Rust
You'll want to spray and rub away the WD-40. Keep this up until the rust is completely gone. This works great for old tools, saw blades and anything that has rush on it really.

Remove Gum
WD-40 is great for removing gum from hair or off of your car. It will keep the paint on your car while still removing the sticky gum particles. It's also great for removing the sticky mess from your hair but be careful not to spray it in your eyes.

Winterize Your Boots and Shoes
Waterproof your winter boots and shoes by giving them a coat of WD-40. It’ll act as a barrier so water can’t penetrate the material. Also use WD-40 to remove ugly salt stains from boots and shoes during the winter months. Just spray WD-40 onto the stains and wipe with a clean rag. Your boots and shoes will look almost as good as new.

Keep Wooden Handles Splinter Free
No tools can last forever, but you can prolong the life of your wood-handled tools by preventing splintering. To keep wooden handles from splintering, rub a generous amount of WD-40 into the wood. It will shield the wood from moisture and other corrosive elements and keep it smooth and splinter-free for the life of the tool.

Relieve Bee Stings
If you need fast relief for a bee, wasp or hornet sting, use WD-40! Just spray the bite or sting directly and it should relieve the pain in a matter of seconds.

Protect Against Corrosion
You can protect boat's outer finishes or other items near the sea against salt water and corrosion. Use WD-40 after each use of your boat or on a regular basis to keep your items looking new and fresh.

Bring a Spark Plug Back to Life
Can’t get your car to start on a rainy or humid day? To get your engine purring, just spray some WD-40 on the spark-plug wires before you try starting it up again. WD-40 displaces water and keeps moisture away from the plugs.

Kill Thistle Plants
Don’t let pesky prickly weeds like bull and Russian thistle ruin your yard or garden. Just spray some WD-40 on them and they’ll wither and die.

Your Ideas
What have you used WD-40 for? Comment below and tell us what you've used WD-40 for. We'd love to see what you've thought of.

11 years ago
13 years ago at 8:15 AM
This is far too blurry to read! I have refreshed several times, and no improvement! Any suggestions? Thank you!
9 years ago at 6:51 AM
Have you tried spraying the screen with WD-40? ;)
13 years ago at 8:51 AM
I use Firefox - no problem anywhere else - and never a problem on your page before! And yup - it's still that way!!! Thank you for your reply! And many thanks to timd!!!
Gil McDonald, Sr.
13 years ago at 5:27 PM
WD40 has a tendency to congeal as time passes. I once used it to lubricate the moving parts of a semi-auto deer rifle then let the rifle set for a few months. The WD40 locked the action in place to the extent that a cartridge could not be loaded into the action by hand movement. It was necessary (with the rifle unloaded)to place the butt of the rifle on the floor and apply the heel of my shoe to the handle on the bolt so I could apply enough pressure to break the bolt loose from the glue like substance of WD40. I just wanted to mention this since most people think of this product as a lubricant for just about anything. I don't consider it a suitable lubrican for use on firearms.
Michael Rodriguez
13 years ago at 5:52 PM
WD-40 is also great at removing chewing gum from the paint on your car! That use has been around for decades.
Brian lloyd
11 years ago at 5:37 AM
Got stains in cloths that won't wash out. Spray them with WD40. Let sit a couple minutes. Soak with dish washing liquid and wash as usual! It's amazing!
J Kinney
3 years ago at 9:52 AM
Years ago I read somewhere that WD-40 works to get old and new oil stains out of clothing. I keep a can of WD-40 in my laundry room because I use it all the time for this purpose. First, I place a rag underneath the fabric where I’m going to spray the oil stain. Then I spray the stain wIth WD-40, trying not to overspray outside the boundaries of the stain. Rub the fabric together which loosens the old, set-in stain. Then I add a decent amount of liquid detergent to the area that has the WD-40 on it rubbing the fabric together as before. Lastly, toss the garment into the washer with the rest of the load you’re washing and wash and dry as normal. If you still see part of the oil stain after washing and drying the article of clothing (which means you didn’t get detergent on the whole area that was sprayed with WD-40) just repeat the process. It’s worked for me every time!
Northwoods Cheryl
11 years ago at 6:49 AM
The primary ingredient in WD40 is fish oil, which is why it makes such a good fish bait on lures. Also why it gums up the "actions" in fire arms.
Leigh Powell
11 years ago at 8:23 AM
Does anyone know if its true that you can spray it on your satellite dish to keep the snow off?
11 years ago at 12:22 AM
DO NOT use it on sewing machines. It gums them up just like the rifle mentioned.
11 years ago at 8:07 AM
Do not use WD for a protective barrier on metals as it attracts water(ie. spray on wet wires and dist cap)and then forms rust. That's what happened to the rifle.
11 years ago at 8:22 AM
It is irresponsible to recommend any product that contains info in the MSDS related to adverse effects of skin contact for - well, skin contact. It is also irresponsible to recommend any product for insect control when it is not specifically labeled for such.
11 years ago at 2:09 PM
11 years ago at 4:49 AM
JT et al, In this day and age, it is a RESPONSIBLE and conscientious effort that drives individuals to share their discoveries with others in the hopes that it improves their life and expands their experiential skillset. Having said that, it is the RESPONSIBILITY of the RECEIVER of all new information to verify the accuracy/validity/veracity of the information upon which they decide to act. That's what's neat about this comment section, wherein one can read both PROs and CONs about a given subject. PLEASE don't stop the FREE FLOW of information or attempt to stymy it with negative/critical/derogatory comments... However, please DO chime in with reasons why you hold the opinion that the particular subject can/can't or should/shouldn't be acted on -- that helps to AUGMENT/INCREASE the shared pool of knowledge that this effort attempts to provide. Thanks; I LOVE reading any/all useful hints...although I have been told repeatedly by home repair specialists that WD-40 is NOT a lubricant, my GrandPere used it on/for absolutely everything [guns and sewing machines aside]!
11 years ago at 8:26 AM
WD-40 is NOT a lubricant! It is a solvent that can displace water for a short time. Learned this when using it to stop squeeks in my door hinges around the house. Woked great for a while, but since it is not a long term lub it made things worse later! Use WD-40 to clean, wipe free then oil.
11 years ago at 7:10 AM
TLeDantec: Hear, hear!
Kim Hammerum
11 years ago at 4:52 PM
I Just use toilet cleaner for rust removal - Just let it soak for 30 minutes, rinse and apply oil.
11 years ago at 7:00 PM
Leaves your stainless steel appliances streak-free!
Leslie Denning
10 years ago at 11:59 AM
I'm the first-born daughter of the man who invented the stuff. I never met him, but he sure left a legacy.
10 years ago at 1:02 PM
WD-40 will lubricate your firearms and help clean them but only at first. Otherwise they will gum things up as reported. Use a silicon lube spray, or something called Dry Slide, I know you could get it at Sears years ago but do not know now. Same thing for your sewing machines. And of course you know the two things every tool kit needs or bug out bag, is a can of WD-40 (if it wont move and should) and a roll of Duct tape, (if it moves and should not) LOL
Bill D.
9 years ago at 3:47 PM
Best for removing adhesive from anything.
9 years ago at 1:20 PM
Most people don't know it can loosen rusted on nuts.
9 years ago at 9:30 AM
Got my rusty ol' nuts loose and working again!
9 years ago at 10:56 AM
Be careful if you think it is a good lubricant for locks. I've been told by several locksmiths that dirt and grime start sticking to it and mess up your lock. Use graphite instead.
9 years ago at 1:54 PM
WD40 will make the viny shutters on your home look like new. Just lightly spray on and polish off with a soft cloth...
Steven Blanchard
4 years ago at 11:19 PM
WD-40 is the greatest thing since fire was discovered...get a nasty painful burn,spray a spritz and instantly feel relief. and next day you won't even remember you burnt yourself. Every welder/fabricator should keep a can handy at all times..BSE! THANKS WD40
Michael K. Hendricks
4 years ago at 10:25 AM
Speaking of fire, TRY THIS! Get one of the waterproof match cases (like the orange ones WalMart sells in the camping section) and use it to store WD40 sprayed cotton balls inside. Take each cotton ball and using the nozzle-tube, spray one (1) good squirt into the middle of each individual one, then stuff it inside of the match case. I can usually get 13 cotton balls inside the match case. The next time you need a fire starter, pull one cotton ball out of the match case, pull it apart a bit and 'fuzz' it up a tad. Take your trusty ferro rod and strike it into the cotton ball, and PRESTO! the WD40 sprayed cotton ball will usually burn about three to five minutes, giving you a nice flame to get your prepared tinder bundle ablaze. I have left these things capped and sealed inside of such a waterproof carrier for months and they've never failed me yet.